This page is not monitored 24 hours a day. Any in-progress or life safety event should be reported immediately to 911.
Providing a safe and healthy environment that fosters learning is the number one priority for Tecumseh Public Schools. We believe that safety is a team effort, and that students succeed when staff, faculty, administration, and parents work together. This page has been established to allow the community to anonymously report any safety concerns directly to the district.
Report Safety Concern is Tecumseh Public Schools' tip reporting system that allows students, parents, staff and community members to confidentially submit concerns regarding safety, harassment, intimidation and bullying to district administration.
You can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issues through the form. Reports may be submitted anonymously. However, leaving your name can help us be in contact with you if we need further information or clarification.
Every tip submitted through the form is logged and sent to district administrators.
Click here to report a safety concern or fill out the form below.

Michigan's OK2SAY Confidential Safety Tipline Information
OK2SAY is a program designed to encourage Michigan students to share and respond to anything that threatens their safety or the safety of others. With support from Attorney General Dana Nessel, the Michigan State Police, local law enforcement, schools, the health community, and many others, there are processes in place that help students submit confidential tips regarding criminal activities or harmful behavior.
Anyone can confidentially submit tips 24/7 using the following tools:
OK2SAY phone app (search "OK@SAY")
Texting 652729 (OK2SAY)
Call: 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
State of Michigan OK2SAY Information and Resources webpage
Differences between Conflict, Teasing, Rough Play, and Bullying
(Shared from The Center for Safe Schools)
Bullying is intentional humiliation and/or harm inflicted on a child who is seen as less powerful. Bullying is a form of peer abuse and should never be ignored.
Harassment is unwanted, unwelcome and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim.
Conflict occurs between children with equal power. Conflict is a normal part of life and not meant to intentionally harm others. Bullying is not conflict and should not be resolved using conflict resolution or peer mediation strategies.
Teasing is typically a behavior that is between friends or family members to positively change someone’s behavior. For example: “C’mon slowpoke,” “Okay, Michael Jordan. Let’s see you block this shot.”
Rough Play is usually between friends, and there is no intent to harm. The children interact in a positive, friendly manner.
Understanding the difference between these forms of behavior is important so that adults can respond and follow up appropriately. When inappropriate behaviors are witnessed, adults and/or peers should intervene.
For More Information
Tips for helping students and families to cope with cyberbullying (prevention and intervention) can be found at