art students north elc

A special guest stopped by North ELC via Zoom today. Artist Travis Bruce Black fielded questions from a very eager bunch during Mrs. Bauman's 1st grade art class. The guest speaker's great nephew is in the class.

Black, who is based out of Albuquerque, NM, spoke to the class for nearly 30 minutes, as students patiently lined up one-by-one and asked their questions. 'What did you draw when you were 6-years-old' and 'what's your favorite thing to draw' were among the questions.

Much of Black's artwork is based on birds. One student asked Black if he draws from studying birds in the wild. "If I see a bird, I like to take a picture of it and then look at it and study it, that way it's not moving," said Black. "I'm not very good at remembering what something looks like, but sometimes I like to just make it up from my mind and most of the time I paint from photographs."

Black says he uses birds as a subject because nature fills him with a sense of the ungraspable.